What do you look forward to most each Halloween?

Whether you long for the mounds of sugary goodness or not, it’s likely one oft he first things that pops into your head.

With the invention of Pinterest, you’ve probably been inundated for weeks with images of spooky cupcakes, creepy crudité and other haunting holiday treats of every shape and size.

A visit to our office this past Friday for annual Sweet Treat Bake-Off would have shown you that we too have succumbed to the seasonal goodies. Our team gets especially crafty though, putting twists on popular themes and dishing up some out-of-the-box (and fresh out of the oven) creativity, especially when it comes to the names.

Take a look at our photo gallery for a full rundown of baked and mixed items.

Though ti was a close call, we did have some best-in-bite items. After a triple recount of the votes, the following winners claimed the 2014 titles (and accompanying prizes):

Best Tasting

1st Place – E-Bowl-A Balls by Art (we know… #TooSoon)


2nd Place – Vat O’ Shrunken Heads by Edmond


Creepiest Looking (but still edible)

1st Place – Skeleton Graveyard Cupcakes by Shaleria


2nd Place - Ghastly Ghosts by Jen


Congratulations to all the talented bakers who took part in our freaky festivities!

Everything was sampled (some numerous times) and all were enjoyed!

We are looking forward to the next event coming up this Friday: our first Spooky Spirit Day!

Now let’s all get in the spirit…