Each October, we revel in the cooler temperatures and break in humidity as the autumn makes itself known and that magical time of year settles upon us…





To the newcomer, Halloween may be just another holiday, but we at FKQ have a reputation and our month-long celebration is the stuff of workplace legend. Step in our front doors at the beginning of October, and you’ll feel as though you’ve just stepped into some elaborate funhouse of spooky décor, as our recently remodeled offices are transformed, from lobby to bathroom to conference room.

We don’t just build up to Halloween, we kick off the festivities with weekly events aimed to hone every seasonal skill in our Halloween arsenal – baking, carving, decorating and theme dressing – in preparation for October 31st.

Make your plans now to stop by on this spookiest of days to indulge in the visual feast of Halloween creativity that FKQ employees offer up. There are costumes, of course – we have prizes for individuals and groups – but you’ll also be treated to some theatrics, games and even homemade treats throughout the course of the day.

Over the years in our Clearwater office, there have been stories whispered in the halls … stories that the building in which we’ve celebrated so many years may have a bit of Halloween spirit of its own. It wouldn’t be surprising, but we invite you to swing by and see for yourself.

Better yet, join us for any of our frightful Halloween festivities. You may never want to leave…